Louisiana Delta Adventures


United States


P.O. Box 368 Newellton


Latitude: 32.740874

Longitude: -93.070134

Curt Parker


+1 318-927-9654

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Louisiana Delta Adventures works to bring “new dollars” into northeast Louisiana by capitalizing on agritourism, nature-based tourism, ecotourism and cultural tourism.




Since 2011, the Walton Family Foundation has awarded more than $348,000 to the LSU AgCenter to promote northeast Louisiana as a destination for agritourism, nature-based tourism, ecotourism and cultural tourism. To continue the momentum, Louisiana Delta Adventures Inc. was created in July 2013.



An Advisory Committee of interested individuals; businesses; and local, state and federal agencies was formed.  On July 17, 2013, Louisiana Delta Adventures, Inc. was created.



LDA is a 501 c(3) so contributions are tax deductible to the extent provided in the IRS code.

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