Eastern CT Fly Fishing, LLC


United States


435 Woodmont Drive Coventry, CT 06238


Широта: 41.814330

Долгота: -72.334597

Michael Carl


(860) 716-0825

(860) 742-6624

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Spring flowers are starting to bloom, the skunk cabbage has already popped, and bug life is revving up. I’d say that springtime fishing is going well. There have been some hiccups around opening day with high water and cold temps but since then the water flows have been at a springtime normal and dropping nicely. Plus, here in Eastern Connecticut, we have been taken off the extreme/severe drought listing and are only considered in an abnormally dry/moderate rating- according to the drought portal at Drought.gov. To me those are all pluses ! So I would rate it as a B+ for now.

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