Flying B Ranch
United States
2900 Lawyer Creek Rd, Kamiah
Latitude: 46.213253
Longitude: -116.119882
Communication language
Flying B Ranch
Our versatile hunting guides and staff will tailor an ultimate outdoor adventure custom fit just for you.
You deserve to be thoroughly satisfied with your trip spending it in utmost comfort surrounded by rustic luxury.
Choose the Flying B Ranch, a world class Orvis-Endorsed Wingshooting and Fly-fishing Destination complete with a big game hunting program.
Nestled in North Central Idaho's Lawyer’s Canyon, our 5000 acre ranch lies just outside the small town of Kamiah.
With special use permits to outfit in 740,000 acres of Nez Perce and Clearwater National Forests, you’re sure to enjoy the best hunting in Idaho while our hunting and fishing guidesintroduce you to the Flying B's best adventures...
- Flushing game birds - Wingshooting
- Taking trophy big game animals - Big Game Hunting
- or...Catching fish in crystal clear mountain waters - Fishing
Courteous Guest Services
Eager to greet you upon arrival, guest services and our field staff will have...
- Taken care of your licenses
- Registered your activities
- Addressed all your requests and concerns
- Your guns and shells ready for use
- Trained our legendary German Shorthairs and English Pointers ready for your hunt
With all our adventures, you show up and we take care of the rest.
Find gear and preparation lists plus airport information within our trip planning guide.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate tocontact us. Our guest services staff effectively and efficiently will provide you with all the information you need.
We are ready to exceed your expectations.
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