Coffman Cove’s Bears Den


United States


114 NW Zarembo Drive Coffman Cove, Alaska 99918


Latitude: 56.014217

Longitude: -132.826484



(907) 329-2327

(888) 881-2181

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Self-guided fishing is for those who seek the satisfaction of pursuing the quest to fulfill their desire to be able catch trophy size halibut, salmon and other varieties of fish without the supervision of a guide. Thus eliminating certain slot limits for halibut and increasing the limit size. It is essential that the fisherman have some knowledge of watercraft safety and the ability to read nautical maps.


Prince of Wales is part of the Alexander Archipelago which is made up of thousands of small Islands.  The water surrounding Coffman Cove hosts a large variety of fish, five species of salmon, halibut, cod, ling cod and Rockfish. The waters also team with crab and shrimp for the taking.


The Bears Den can create an experience for you, if you want to salt water fish; we have the boat for you. If you want to explore the more that the two dozen rivers within minute of Coffman Cove, we can supply you with a spinning rod and tackle or bring your fly rod and try to match the hatch.

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