The Last Frontiersman


United States


5801 E Yadon Dr Sterling, Alaska 99654


Latitude: 60.483959

Longitude: -151.056696




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For generations Alaska has been our home. Respecting the land and it’s people is the way of the old Sourdough. I was born in the territory long before Alaska became a state.


Living off of the land as so many people do here in the Last Frontier is our way of life. The personal use of our natural resources lets us subsist off of this great land we call home.  From the top of Mt Denali to the mighty glaciers meandering their way to the deep blue oceans, Alaska is truly one of the last frontiers left on our Mother Earth.


My grandmother and parents would take me into the mountains to pick blueberries for winter preserves. Their stories of “the early days” left an indelible mark upon me. I learned at a young age on those trips to respect the land, taking only what I needed and using it. It was my greatest honor to pass this knowledge along to my children.


The elders of our family have dedicated a lifetime of knowledge to bring to you the best that Alaska has to offer. From our Alaskan novelty gifts, to our dedicated fishing guides, and some of the most pristine waters in Alaska, we hope we can make your stay most memorable here in the Last Frontier. Thank You, The Last Frontiersman

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