Tsylos Park Lodge & Adventures



British Columbia

P.O. Box 2560 Williams Lake


Широта: 51.626087

Долгота: -124.143263



1 800 487 9567

1 250 483 4368

1 604 677 5621

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Welcome to the McLean's Tsylos Park Lodge since 1957



Our storybook “Canadian Wilderness Lodge” offers you that genuine “off the grid” wilderness experience that you crave. Whether you’re a group of friends, an adult family, or spending some romantic time with your mate, it truly offers you a wilderness hideaway far from the crowds.



The Chilko area is wild, remote, and stunningly beautiful! Seldom visited and largely untouched, Chilko is like a rare gem. Few people have discovered it, but once discovered it is rarely forgotten. There are few areas in the world as beautiful to explore.Surrounded by the exquisite beauty of Chilko Lake and the B.C. Coastal Mountain range, you'll have a chance to kick back and enjoy the view, because your surrounded by beauty every where you go.  Whether you're dreaming of a fly fishing trip,guided grizzly bear viewing tours, guided big game hunts or galloping on horseback with trail riding tours and mountain pack riding trips, Tsylos Lodge has  appealing adventure vacation packages for all adults across generations.



Since 1957, the McLean’s have been living and guiding at Chilko Lake. Today our guests come from around the world to join us at the lodge or in the back country. They have a few things in common; a sense of adventure, a love of the wild, and a passion for fly fishing, horseback riding, or wildlife photography. Tsylos Lodge continues to evolve from its humble beginnings as a hunting and fishing lodge into a rustic yet contemporary wilderness retreat for the 21st Century pioneer.



When you visit Tsylos Lodge, expect to experience more than just your typical adventure travel package. The McLean’s and their staff care about the well-being of their guests, the environment and wild-life.



If you're ready to disconnect to reconnect at Tsylos Park Lodge, check dates & availability for your trip to a little bit of paradise.



See what Tsylos has to offer as a premier Canadian Wilderness Fly Fishing, Horseback Riding, and wildlife photography destination. Check out our Photo Gallery or View our Movie

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