Bart Lancaster



British Columbia

8497 Bruce Road Smithers


Широта: 54.843772

Долгота: -127.090503

Bart & Callie Lancaster


250 847 3068

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I am Bart Lancaster. I was born in the spring of 1973. Six months later my father purchased his first guiding territory. I was packed in meat bags hanging off the side of a horse while my parents Stan and Linda Lancaster opened up new trails to our beginning. We were in South East British Columbia in the Kootenay region when I first started to run over mountains with my older twin brothers Clay and Cam Lancaster. At an early age we challenged each other to the steep slopes of the Rocky mountains and here grew my passion for the outdoors. From stand off with grizzlies to sneaking into meadows with heard's of elk or staring eye to eye with mountain goats on cliff walls, I knew this was my calling and have followed that dream ever since.



This outdoor foundation led me to hunting dogs and the depths of their appeal. Without question they are a persons most loyal of friends. Over the years I have been fortunate to bond with a few great dogs. These heart driven animals have been there for me in some pretty hairy situations and will be there for me in the future I truly hope. My love for these hounds and laika's has taken my life coarse to a diversity of different hunting experiences and broadened my over all hunting base of knowledge. These dogs also led me to meet my wife Callie, who is a veterinarian in our home town of Smithers BC Canada. Callie also holds a passion for the outdoors and supports my many adventures if she is not participating in them herself. Callie also enriched our lives by bringing into the world our two children Scotia and Justice.



It has been many years since my starting point though the drive inside still has yet to yield. I hope to be guiding in the awe inspiring wilderness of our world for many years to come. Upon these future trails yet walked, I hope you will take the time to join me. 



This web site is my invite for you to come and participate in reviewing and making great memories.



Bart Lancaster

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