Safari Outfitters, LLC


United States


410 West Yellowstone Ave. Cody


Широта: 44.511813

Долгота: -109.108644





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Safari Outfitters was founded by Roman Hupalowski in 1952. We were the first hunting consultant company in the world, but were soon joined by two others, who together dominated the hunting world for many years. These early pioneers opened sport hunting in many African and Asian nations, and we are still reaping the benefits of their early work.



Roman sold SAFARI to Lloyd Zeman and Gretchen Stark in the early 80’s. Lloyd started the Foundation for North American Wild Sheep and was a respected biologist, journalist and sheep-hunting expert. He opened sport hunting in Siberia for Snow Sheep and bear, the Kamchatka Peninsula for Kamchatka Bighorn and brown bear and Tajikistan for Marco Polo hunting. Unfortunately, Lloyd was killed in 1991 in a horse accident near Yellowstone Park. Gretchen then took over the leadership of the company and operated the company until 2012.



In 2012 one of our longtime clients and a well known international hunter, Deron Millman, took over the reins of the company. His vision is to continue the high service level our clients have become accustomed to and develop and expand our relationships with new outfitters in areas such as Europe and South America. Deron has appointed our own Clark Jeffs as general manager and with his 25 years experience and well established relations throughout the world, we will continue to be the leader in worldwide hunting.



Today, the new frontiers are in Asia, which SAFARI dominates. We financially assist with conservation programs and help motivate the governments to properly manage their conservation programs. We also outfit many of the camps and coordinate cooks, interpreters and other staff members.



Our satellite office in Moscow, Russia is critical to the success of our hunting programs in Russia and the former USSR nations. When we say, “go with the leaders”, you can see we’ve earned our top position in the world of hunting today.



We invite you to contact us for any and all of your hunting and fishing interests! You will find a wide variety of options, top rate operations, personalized and professional services unmatched by any in our industry. We look forward to serving you.

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