Silvertine Wildlife Co.




PO Box 4 Rapid View, S0M 2M0


Широта: 54.127627

Долгота: -108.433167

Steve Rahn



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Silvertines Big Game Hunting Guides

I was born and raised in British Columbia's Okanagan Valley. Raised on a Cattle Ranch and growing up in a family full of big game hunters it gave me a deep appreciate and passion for the outdoors and love of animals. To this day I strive to continue a proud family ranching tradition dating back three generations here in British Columbia. My Hunting passion started from a young age, I cannot remember that far back when the first time I expressed an interest to go hunting, but I do vaguely recall asking my father to take me along on his annual moose hunts, and him saying something about needing to be potty trained first?


Hog Hunting, Hog Hunting, HOG HUNTING, . . . you have found Canada's premier Hog Hunting outfitter! Next to the Whitetail deer, the Wild Boar is the second most popular game animal in the USA, and the most popular in Europe. Every continent and almost every country in the world has some sub-species of Wild Boar native or non-native the their country,  so the Wild Boar could possibly be the most widely spread, and most popular  hunted game animals in the WORLD!


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