Backroad Adventures


United States

North Dakota

11250 53rd Street Northeast Brocket


Широта: 48.180379

Долгота: -98.195288



(701) 259-2143

(701) 739-0920

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Backroad Adventures is a family owned outfitter service located in the Northeastern North Dakota pothole and farming region near Brocket. Your outfitter and guide Dale Varnson has lived in this area all his life. Dale takes great pride in his knowledge of the terrain, animals, and the hunting skills he has to make your hunt a success. 


As a native of Brocket, North Dakota, who was raised to appreciate and respect nature, the wild, and the right to hunt, it has been my highest priority to ensure the best hunting possible, while at the same time, maintaining a balance.



I would like to extend to you a personal invitation to join our party for a real hunting adventure. We take pride in our reputation and determination to be successful, while we respect all aspects of nature, wildlife, hunting, and people. 


I manage a total of 7000 acres of tall grassland with scattered trees, rolling hills, and cattail marshes, as well about 2,500 acres of cropland, all of which provides an incredible habitat and food source for all types of wildlife. Through experience, I am confident of my hunting skills and knowledge of the land and wildlife in my area.



Backroad Adventures invites you to join them and book a hunt or some lodging and witness the atmosphere in our new, rustic cabins and enjoy the World Class Hunting in our area.



"We look forward to providing you with "An Experience of a Lifetime"



What we have to offer:
- Duck Hunting
- Goose Hunting
- Grouse Hunting
- Whitetail Deer Hunting
    Archery- License 100% available
    Rifle- Call for application info and deadlines
- Predator Hunting
- Fishing Devils Lake & Stump Lake
- Agriculture Tourism
- Landscape, Nature, & Wildlife Photography
- Snowmobile Vacations
- Bird Watching
- Family Vacations
- Group retreats
- Cabin Rentals
- References Available
- Lodging Available

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