Bull Creek Outfitters


United States


PO Box 622 Pioche


Широта: 37.929820

Долгота: -114.451677



(775) 293-1917

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Bull Creek Outfitters - Nevada Mountain Lion Hunts



We would like to thank you for visiting our Bull Creek Outfitters website. Here at Bull Creek Outfitters we specialize in full service guided mountain lion hunts in the state of Nevada. Unlike other Outfitters that offer guided mountain lion hunts, we do not hunt deer, elk, antelope, or any other big game species. Our guide service is the only mountain lion guide service in the world that exclusively guides mountain lion hunts and nothing else. This allows our mountain lion guiding operation to be consistent in catching large numbers of trophy lions. We also don't sub out clients to novice guides or third party guide services as some outfitters will do. You can rest assured that when you book a hunt with us you will be guided by one of our full time professional mountain lion guides and nothing less. Since beginning guiding mountain lion clients in 1999 we have selectively line-bred and developed our own strain of dry ground lion hounds that catch mountain lions in the most extreme conditions, be it snow or dry ground.



Snow Hunts



Our snow hunts typically run from the first week of December through the last week of February. A mountain lion track is found in the snow, usually crossing a two track, trail or road. The hounds are then released and allowed to trail the mountain lion until the big cat is treed or bayed. Four wheel drives, A.T.V's, horses, mules and snowmobiles are the primary means of transportation while in pursuit of mountain lions in snow conditions.



Dry Ground Hunts



Our dry ground lion hunts may occur year-round. Dry ground mountain lion hunts are conducted using four wheel drives and horses. Early morning hours will find you and your guide riding seasoned mules and mountain horses behind a well trained pack of lion hounds. The hounds are hunted in a free-cast fashion searching for the scent of where a mountain lion has walked during the pre-dawn hours. When the hounds find or "strike" the scent of a mountain lion track, the guide will then determine age, sex and size of the cat and direction of travel. If the guide is satisfied with the track, the hounds are allowed to keep trailing. Meanwhile, atop your horses and or mules, you and your guide follow in hot pursuit of the hounds until the cat is treed or bayed.



Note: Nevada is the only state that allows mountain lion hunting 24 hours a day, therefore harvesting your trophy mountain lion is not limited to daylight hours.

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