Dare To Hyde Outdoor Adventures


United States

North Carolina

PO Box 128 Fairfield


Широта: 35.514137

Долгота: -76.324609




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Dare To Hyde Outdoor Adventures! We pride ourselves in providing one-stop shopping for the most diverse adventures on the planet.



Build your own trip from a unique menu of options complete with everything from seeing the world’s largest black bears to experiencing hands-on farming in a setting not available to the general public. All activities are enjoyed in close proximity to the famous beaches of the Outer Banks of North Carolina and led by knowledgeable natives of Ocracoke and the greater Dare and Hyde Counties.



Please take a moment to browse through our unique selection of adventure offerings and then contact us today to create your adventure of a lifetime!



We specialize in custom created adventures. What this means is that you tell us what outdoor adventures you are interested in and we will do the rest! If you aren’t interested in a complete package but still want to participate in some of the trips listed on our site, that is not a problem! Many of the adventures such as trophy black bear hunts, guided duck hunts, and offshore charter fishing are offered as individual trips.



Dare To Hyde Outdoor Adventures is second to none. You will enjoy a professional guide who will be there at your beck and call, great food, and comfortable lodging accommodations. With the beaches, bountiful wildlife, historic sites, hunting, fishing, and many refuges, this region hosts a wide variety of activities to choose from in a relatively small area. By having the option to build your own trip, you can dude farm one day, fish the next, view wildlife in the morning even lay on a secluded beach that afternoon. Depending on the itinerary you choose, you can combine activities to do as few or as many as you like in a single day!

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