WCR Quail Hunting Resort


United States


691 County Road 1242 Detroit


Широта: 33.588507

Долгота: -95.262770

Ron Parker




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WCR is a family owned and operated hunt club. We hope you will join us and become part of our extended family of friends as we continue the American spirit and heritage of hunting. Our goal is to teach the next generation as well as enjoy the art of hunting with my generation.


I think of happy times with less stress when the world was moving at a slower pace. These thoughts bring me home to spending time Quail hunting with my Dad. We never got to hunt as often as we wanted but the time spent (so long ago) was just like yesterday.


The funny thing about all my hunting memories is that I don’t remember the number of covey rises or birds we harvested, but I do remember how much fun it was just being with my Dad and listening to all the tall tales from the other hunters. From all the memories I have through hunting, I am now able to re-live them all over again as now I have 3 of the greatest young men as sons. I can only hope they cherish the memories as I do. The WCR has given us more than we ever expected and I am sure it can do the same for you.


So, as we roll through this wonderful experience called life, please remember to take time to make a few memories of your own. When you come to the WCR, I assure you, we will do everything in our power to make it one of the best memories ever.


Happy Hunting,

Ron Parker

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