General Terms and Conditions of Use database

General Terms and Conditions of Use database

1 User - a natural or legal person that adds information on

2 Service provides the right to add information about places for hunting and fishing.

3 By adding information, the user agrees with rights and conditions of service.

4 By adding information, the user agrees, that the data they made will be stored in the database service

5 Service uses third-party advertising companies to serve ads on your pages.

6 Rules Information Content:

6.1 The description should contain the correct and current information about the location and accommodations.

6.2 Photographs of places must be veracious.

6.3 All responsibility for the published materials shall be the user to add information.

7 Not accepted (deleted) information:

7.1 Containing illegal, contrary to morality, abusive or deceptive text or graphic contents.

7.2 Not relevant or partially relevant section.

7.3 containing special characters, extra spaces, dots, a set of identical or meaningless letters, as well as text, not having relation to the content of information about the place.

7.4 In any way infringe on the copyrights.

8 In the case of gross or repeated violation of the access to the service can be closed.

9 Liability and limitation of liability:

9.1 User (adding information) is fully responsible for the content he adds to their information as to service and to third parties for violations of the rules of the service, author's and economic rights, rights for trademarks and signs. Also in case of loss, unrest and inconvenience of third parties.

9.2 The Company, the Administrator, as well as the owner of the service not responsible for the content of information, and as a loss or inconveniences, connected with the work or service is unavailable

9.3 All information and materials are provided on an "as is", without any warranties, either express or implied.

Changes in rules and conditions:

10 Terms and conditions of service can be changed at any time without notice, added or corrected and become effective upon publication on the website.

In case of disagreement with these Rules, the user must leave the Website.

Date: 10/10/2014

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