



Sommarøyvegen 61, 9110 Sommarøy


Широта: 69.632345

Долгота: 18.016846


917 41 378

Язык общения

English, Norwegian



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Sommarøy - a natural jewel on the Atlantic coast. The village is home to 700 people, which is the main fishing fishing and fish processing. You will see the most beautiful typical for the region of Troms coastal scenery, many beautiful islands and experience the local flavor. The structure of the database includes a hotel, cottages, a restaurant and a marina for boats.

- Details:
village of Sommarøy was built in place of the rich fish. You can catch a boat to plummet on haddock, pollock, cod, catfish among the countless islands in the straits and along the coast, you can try fishing for flounder and turbot in the sandy shallows, or try your luck and catch haddock from shore or pier. For groups up to 15 people can be organized fishing on the high seas on board.

- The most likely catch and fishing season:
cod, pollock - all year round; Menek, Molva - the beginning of April to the end of June, September and November, catfish - mid-April to the end of July

- Gear and equipment:
Possible to buy or rent all the necessary equipment on the spot.

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