Boois Fly-In Lodge




Island on Trout Lake - P.O. Box 301 Red Lake, ON, Canada P0V 2M0


Широта: 51.124648

Долгота: -93.386902


1-(250) 618-7564

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Fly-in Walleye Fishing

You will capture walleyes of immense size during the spring, summer and fall. The walleyes in this gin-clear lake feed on an abundant insect forage base. They gorge on crayfish, leeches, shiners, small perch and ciscoes too. With such an abundance and diversity of food, Trout Lake's walleyes are large and healthy fish with many in the trophy class.


Fly-in Northern Pike Fishing

Are you looking for some thrilling pike action? Primed for some rousing fights? Get ready to experience pike fishing of a lifetime. Over the years we've had many guests catch countless big pike in the 20 to 32 lb. trophy size. Catch 6 to 12 pounders faster than you can get them off the hook. There are many spots here in Trout Lake where large trophy pike call home. Here's where to get them; spring and summer.


Fly-in Lake Trout Fishing

Trout Lake is home to the best lake trout fishing in our northern area. If you haven't pulled in a heavy trout, then you're missing an opportunity for a major fishing adventure. Once you start catching these beauties, you'll be hooked for a life time.


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