Ocean Falls Fishing Lodge



British Columbia

Ocean Falls, BC V0T 1P0


Широта: 52.352430

Долгота: -127.690811



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If you know salt­wa­ter sport fish­ing you know that these days to find truly excel­lent fish­ing, you have to get off the beaten path. Well… our path is very faint. The rea­son we have so many fish and such large fish is that very few peo­ple are fish­ing here. The locals won’t like us shar­ing this secret, but they won’t mind some vis­i­tors either… it can get kind of lonely up here!
Pick your fish; then pick your season!

We have great “West Coast Salmon Fish­ing” almost year round; the trick is being at the right place at the right time. (We know both.) We get feeder salmon all year and some huge Chi­nooks over the win­ter. Watch for the Chum Salmon mid August.

At 10–20 lbs, Coho are the gym­nasts of the salmon world. If you want a real fight­ing fish, choose May thru July

Hal­ibut and Cod can be like winch­ing up a barn door or they can sur­prise you by mak­ing you think you just caught a nuclear sub­ma­rine! Be pre­pared for a “Scary Moment”! You’ve just spent the last 15 min­utes crank­ing in some­thing big, you haven’t seen it yet, but when it shakes its head… the boat moves. The antic­i­pa­tion is tor­ture, a 100 lb hal­ibut, a 40 lb ling cod?  It’s the most fun way to fill a freezer we know of!

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