Eagle Landing Resort


United States


18514 Sterling Hwy Cooper Landing, AK 99572


Широта: 60.491520

Долгота: -149.817204


(907) 595-1213

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Eagle Landing Resort, located on the famous Kenai River, is the perfect BASE CAMP for your ultimate Alaska Adventure. Less than a scenic 2 hour drive from Anchorage, Eagle Landing Resort is home to one of the premier fishing destinations in the world.

We would love to help you design your Alaskan Adventure!! May we offer some suggestions: Fishing for salmon on the famous Kenai River or halibut in the Alaskan seas

Cooper Landing, Alaska is one of the premier fishing destinations in the world. It is located at the confluence of  Kenai Lake and Kenai River.  Cooper Landing is about 100 miles south of Anchorage on the Sterling Hwy.

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