Alaska Homestead Lodge


United States


19403 Silver Salmon REM Southwest Soldotna, AK 99669


Широта: 59.990560

Долгота: -152.654705


(907) 262-1960

(1-888) 577-9383

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Welcome to the Alaska Homestead Lodge Fishing in the Wild

Enjoy one of Alaska’s favorite past times that only a remote destination can provide.  Fly or spin fishing, the beginner or experienced Angler will enjoy this wilderness setting, while fishing for some of the largest salmon this area has to offer.
Fishing begins as early as the end of July and continuing through the latter part of September in the most beautifully landscaped area of Silver Salmon Creek. We offer quality sport fishing for Dolly Varden, Pink Salmon and a strong run of primarily World Class Silver Salmon from August through September waiting for you.

Is there a fish catching limit?
Three fish per person, per day.

Do you have both spin fishing and fly fishing?
Yes. We do have traditional spinning rods available for guests to use and tackle for sale. Many guests enjoy fly fishing, but we request they bring their own gear.   


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