Nushagak River Fishing Lodge


United States


Dillingham, AK 99576


Широта: 59.039672

Долгота: -158.457527




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Alaska Salmon Fishing

The Nushagak River receives the largest return of King Salmon in Alaska making it the jewel of Alaska Fishing destinations.  To make your fishing experience the best ever we hire nothing but the best Alaska Salmon Fishing Guides.

The Kings in the Nushagak range from 10-50 pounds with an average of 22 pounds. The limit for kings is two a day, four per year in our region of Alaska. Limiting out each day is tough because you can only keep one of the five to twenty kings that you may encounter throughout the day, but our experienced Alaska Salmon Fishing Guides will make sure you are always on the fish.

Anglers can take up to fifty pounds of King Fillets home with them. Our Alaska Salmon Fishing Guides target these fish with several techniques including; back trolling, back bouncing, dragging, anchoring, and fly-fishing. We provide quality G-Loomis rods with Shimano Tekota reels, spooled with 65 pound braided line. Tackle will consist of wrapped kwik-fish, salmon roe, and flies. King fishing is primarily done from the comfort of our boats, but can also be done from the bank, especially when fly-fishing.

The Silver return on the Nushagak is even more impressive than the King run, half a million fish! This gives anglers the chance to have their best day ever with a rod and reel in hand. These aggressive biters will fill your day with action whether you choose to target them with a fly or spinning rod. They are ferocious fighters as well, with plenty of aerial action. Our light tackle spinning gear and eight weight fly rods are the perfect weapons for these 8-13 pound Silvers.

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