Zup's Fishing Resort and Canoe Outfitters


United States


H.C. 3 Box 80 Crane Lake, Minnesota 55725


Широта: 48.315212

Долгота: -92.310056





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It's All About Fishing - So Many Species - In One Great Lake!



The fishing on Lac La Croix has proven to be some of the best in the world!  With no public road access, and 35 miles of water playing host to only two lodges, our fishing proves itself year after year!  Lac La Croix is an International border lake with Minnesota and Ontario. A major portion of the Minnesota side lies within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness(BWCAW) of Minnesota. This area has become a huge spawning pool for the entire lake.  The Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources have reassured us about Lac La Croix’s healthy future.  Test netting has found the lake to be in great shape.

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