Coppen's Resort




Site 300-1 RR #3 Fort Frances


Latitude: 48.599473

Longitude: -93.442157




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Rainy Lake lies on the Ontario Minnesota border east of Fort Frances Ontario and International Falls Minnesota.  Rainy lake is considered by many to offer the finest Small Mouth Bass fishing in Minnesota or Ontario Add to that Walleye, Northern Pike, Crappie and Muskie combined with the fine accommodations, equipment, service and central location  of Coppen's Resort and you have everything you need to "FISH RAINY"


Our resort is a small 9 unit facility with a maximum capacity of 40 guests, all units face the lake.  We are situated just off the Bears Pass channel between Red Gut, Swell and Seine Bays, in the heart of Rainy Lake.


We offer Housekeeping facilities only.  This means we have no R.V.'s or campers. Housekeeping is the rental of a unit which includes full kitchens and you do all your own cooking and supply your own groceries.  Cooking utensils and linens are all supplied by us.  The Housekeeping rates are on a per unit basis.

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