Tetu Island Lodge




P.O. Box 1130 Kenora


Широта: 50.123590

Долгота: -94.838766

Kathi and Ed Henn



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Sometimes you just need to shove off from the daily grind. And when it comes time to cut the line, Tetu Island Lodge is where you point the bow. Out here, it’s all about you being able to relax. World-class fishing turns your deadlines into live lines, and five-star accommodations make your worries vanish like morning dew.


Nestled deep in the striking Canadian wilderness of Ontario, Tetu isn’t your typical fishing lodge. Sure, we give you fully-guided, fully-equipped fishing to spots so hot the Walleye can’t help but kiss the hook. But we also take care of every last detail of your stay. Every last, unimaginable, unforeseeable, impossible-to-plan-for, nitpicky detail.


How about piping hot coffee at your door each morning? Or a steak done to your exact tenderness? We’ll even nudge up the heat in your cabin while you’re out on a chilly afternoon. All you have to do is worry about the stuff that really matters (crankbait or spinner bait??). We’ll take care of the rest.


Yup, there’s something different about Tetu Island Lodge. Sure we’ve got big fish just like every other Canadian lodge. But the way we see it, it’s not about fishing. It’s about leaving your worries at the shore and letting us handle the details. That’s what turns a simple fishing trip into a first-class adventure.




When we say, “fully guided fishing,” we mean “fully EVERYTHING fishing.” Our guides are professional fish snipers from all over Canada with one mission: do everything it takes to give you the fishing trip of a lifetime.


That means baiting your hook, arming you with an intense array of state-of-the-art fishing gear and yes, even putting a ice cold beverage in your hand. And when it comes time for the guides to do the guidin’, they’ll take you to fishing spots where the fish spend just as much time out of the water as they do in.


With a lifetime of experience putting lines in the water and a habit of knowing exactly what you need before you need it, these guides are the best you’ll ever have. With these guys on your side, you can sit back, relax and catch a fish or two or twenty-five.

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