Lake Ogascanan Lodge




47 Sunset Blvd North Bay


Широта: 46.267389

Долгота: -79.443522

Dan, Ben, Brad, Jeremy, Erin, Ginny, Lindsay & Lolly Mullens


(866) 476-6036

(705) 476-6036

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Brad’s Dad, Ken, started the Mullens’ lodge and outfitting tradition in 1964 on Kipawa Lake. In the years that followed, he developed outpost operations on remote lakes that promised better quality fishing. Brad learned firsthand what was important in an outfitting operation. First and foremost: it all starts with the lake and the fish. The lake had to be remote - easy access can mean "over-fished." The lake had to be exclusive - not subject to the pressures of other lodges, cottagers, or home owners. The lake had to be big enough - that it could never feel the results of over-fishing. Ogascanan fit the bill. Throw in protective regulations, and you are ensuring the fishery will withstand the test of time.


We first attempted to purchase Lake Ogascanan in 1979, as newly-weds, fresh out of university. It didn't happen until 10 years later. 1989 was our first season; Dan was 8 years old and Jeremy was 5. 2016 will be our 28th year at Ogascanan. The boys, Dan and Jer, have been here most of their lives. They have always been, and continue to be, invaluable to our operation. 


Over the years, Ogascanan has proven to be a great fishery, and all things are in place to ensure this will continue. Our many years of experience have taught us what you expect. Rest assured, things that we have control over will be taken care of; our family is there for you. Our high number of returm guests assures us that we are able to provide an experience that many are looking for; most of our fishermen choose to return. 


We still have several groups of fishermen who have been coming to Ogascanan since before we were here. These friends have watched our family grow up. They have seen our cabins and equipment change dramatically since our early days. What hasn't changed is their ability to catch great quality fish. "We are thankful for these old friends and our new friends that make up our Ogascanan fishing family. We look forward to seeing them all again. We invite you to join us at Ogascanan!"

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