United States
PO Box 663 Lebanon
Широта: 44.544971
Долгота: -122.923847
Craig & Tina Hughson
Язык общения
My work is never really “work” but rather a passion that began when I first started as a helper at the age of 8 on my father’s guide trips on the Rogue and Deschutes rivers. (In my opinion they are two of the most stunning rivers in Oregon.) By the age of 14 I was a “boatman”, guiding clients on the Deschutes River to record catches of the native “Redside” trout. At 21 I bought my father’s guide service, Northwest River Outfitters. 13 years later I purchased my second Guide service, “Rogue River Outfitters”. I have been guiding in the Northwest for more than 40 years.
Deschutes Trout Fishing
In May we begin our Deschutes Trout Flyfishing season. We offer these trips from mid May through July. At this time the large "Redside" trout are in close to shore feeding on the many varieties of fly hatches occurring in the spring and early summer. This trip is a must for the avid fly fisher person.
Deschutes Steelhead Fishing
These trips are offered in one and multiple day fishing adventures, fishing for the Deschutes Summer Steelhead (nicked named “freight trains"). On our overnight trips we set a base camp approximately 9 miles up river. From this camp we can move up stream or down to fish, depending on where the fish are concentrated.
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