Munsey's Bear Camp


United States


Amook Pass Kodiak,


Широта: 57.470247

Долгота: -153.816520

Mike & Robin Munsey


+1 907-847-2203

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Munsey's Bear Viewing Lodge is located in Uyak Bay on Kodiak Island, Alaska. The scenery is stunning with snow-capped mountains rising out of the clear, blue ocean. The bay abounds with Kodiak bears, sitka black-tailed deer, foxes, whales, harbor seals, sea otter, and many species of birds, including eagles and puffins. The guest cabins at the lodge are clean and comfortable with private bathrooms, hot showers, and spacious sitting rooms.




We offer fishing trips for Halibut and Salmon. Fish from our 43-foot charter boat in saltwater, or fish freshwater streams and rivers on the island. The fishing is exciting and there is always something biting. Guided fishing is included in our wildlife vacation tour packages.


The nutrient-rich water of Uyak Bay supports thriving populations of Pacific halibut and salmon. The long fiord-like bays allow us to fish from our 43-foot charter boat in protected, calm water, where we catch halibut at depths from 20 ft. (7 meters) to 150 ft. (50 meters).



In August, we fish for silver salmon in the bay, and in July, we stream fish for pink salmon and Dolly Varden.

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