Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service


United States


231 Division, Manson


Широта: 47.891354

Долгота: -120.160745



(509) 687-0709

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Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service offers guided fishing trips on Lake Chelan, Roses Lake and other North Central Washington waters. Our versatility and family orientation are what set us apart. 


What continues hot is trolling the Barrens for Lake Trout on Lake Chelan and catching Kokanee uplake from the Narrows, trolling in depths of 100 to 500 feet deep.



Working depths of 185 to 210 feet in the Barrens at speeds of 1 to 1.2 mph within 5 feet of the bottom continues to be very productive. Jeff’s Drifts and Mack’s Lures Cha Cha Squidders have produced numbers of fish from two to five pounds. Bait those with a piece of Northern Pikeminnow if you still have some.



Up above the Narrows, fish Colyar’s ledge with Mack’s Lures mini Cha Cha Squidders in orange and pink for nice Kokanee. Bait those lures with Pautzke’s Fire Corn. That same 1 to 1.2mph is a great speed to start at. Adjust it as you determine if the fish want those squddy’s faster or slower. You should fish just above or through suspended schools from 50 to 220 feet deep over bottoms from 100 to 500 feet deep. The odd Landlocked Chinook and suspended Mack is a bonus.



Your fishing tip of the week is to be very active when trolling for Lakers and Kokanee on Chelan. With the Lakers you must be constantly working to keep your gear tight to the bottom. If you drag you will either snag or foul your terminal gear up with bottom debris. For every 10 feet you are off the bottom you cut your bite rate in half. You have to keep moving your gear for Kokanee right above their heads. They are anywhere from 45 feet to over 200. Keep your head in the game!



The kid’s tip of the week is to teach negotiation as a strategy to avoid worse behaviors. A lot of the time you can avoid pouting, tantrums and “shutting down” by using your adult brain and negotiating a solution. It not only avoids the whole disciplinary cycle, but also models an alternative strategy. To excess, it can “create a monster”, but all in all, modeling negotiations to get what you want gives kids another more acceptable tool in their people skills tool box.

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