Premier Angling Guide Service


United States


PO Box 42 Brethren


Широта: 44.304454

Долгота: -86.021290

Larry Raney




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Premier Angling Guide Service is located in Brethren, Michigan in the heart of the fish filled rivers, lakes and streams of the Manistee National Forest. We are just minutes away from all the boat ramps to the Manistee River, Pine River, Bear Creek and Little Manistee and within 35 minutes from the World Famous Pere Marquette River.



Here at Premier Angling we are a Fly Fishing & Light Spin Tackle Guide Service that specializes in the pursuit of  Steelhead,  Salmon,  Trout and Smallmouth Bass. Another technique we use is Centerpin Float Fishing for Steelhead and King Salmon. Although we call the Big Manistee River “Home,” we also enjoy guiding and fishing on the Pere Marquette, Pine, Little Manistee and Upper sections of the Manistee River, as well as  Bear Creek and the area’s local lakes.

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