Golden Ram Sportsman's Club
United States
PO Box 4152 El Dorado Hills
Широта: 38.675737
Долгота: -121.078196
Nick Tacito, Colin Finn, John Selvitella or Pat McNeil
Язык общения
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Since 1971, Golden Ram Sportsman's Club has been California's premier club for the avid outdoorsman and their families. Founded by hunters, for hunters, Golden Ram has consistently exceeded the high expectations of California sporting enthusiasts for over 40 years. We are, in fact, the oldest club of our type in America!
Our 16 ranches and 125,000 + acres offer our members the very finest hunting, fishing and camping the Golden State has to offer, including deer, pig, bear, waterfowl, fishing, camping, turkey, pheasant, quail and lodges. We also provide elite guided Tule Elk and Columbian Black Tail hunts.
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