Gunnison River Farms


United States


7904 Shea Road PO Box 180 Austin


Широта: 38.790408

Долгота: -107.916659



970 835 5050


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Gunnison River Farms is a farming and recreational oasis located in southwest Colorado that has been a working orchard for over 90 years. The farm is a lifestyle experience that enables our guests to empirically participate in a broad-spectrum of activities, education and ideologies that embody the spirit of Colorado. With sweeping views of ponds and rivers backed by red cliff walls, the farm blends into the dramatic surroundings of deep canyons and open farmland.


At its core, the property is an organic and bio-dynamic orchard growing peaches, apples, grapes and pears. With petroglyphs dating over 4,000 years this site has drawn the attention of different cultures for not only its’ highly productive agricultural qualities, but as a starting point for some of the best recreation in the state. The farm is also the staging area for our fly fishing outfitter, running rafting and fly-fishing trips through the Gunnison Gorge as well other recreational and culinary opportunities.



What you will experience at Gunnison River Farms is a family business that spans three generations: Todd, his wife Jan, three children and his father Ted have made “The Farm” an essential part of their lives and look forward to sharing it with you.

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