Circle J Retreat Camp


United States


3338 Hwy 16 E Ten Sleep


Широта: 44.072949

Долгота: -107.339629




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With Circle J Retreat, you decide how to spend your days so that you can create exactly the right experience for you. Choose from a variety of workshops, outdoor activities, and plant your cross for the commitment of change.  Come for self-care and enjoy nature walks, introspective workshops, and solo time—including an inspirational planting of your cross. Or jump-start your fitness routine going hiking, fishing,  tubing, and games a glore! You can visit Ten Sleep Wyoming only 7 miles away if you have the need of civilization.



Whether a family reunion, men/women Retreat or a Tween Camp, Everyone’s experience of Circle J Retreats is as unique as they are. We offer a rich daily schedule that allows you to do just what you want, whether it’s soul-searching, celebrating, or simply remembering who you are when you’re not absorbed by the flurry of family, work, and life. Whatever it is, you’ll return home renewed from the inside out.

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