StingRay Fishing Outfitters


United States


1405 North Alternate A1A Jupiter


Широта: 26.950886

Долгота: -80.086682



800 257 9461


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Started in 2008 as an internet retailer, StingRay opened its retail store in beautiful Jupiter, Florida in 2009. Today the store occupies over 5,000 square feet of prime retail space and is well stocked with name brand tackle, fly fishing gear, sportswear and much more. We are strategically located close to the Jupiter Inlet and on one of the busiest highways in Palm Beach, the store serves the southern municipalities of Palm Beach County, Martin and Saint Lucie counties.



StingRay is also a direct importer of niche fishing tackle. Its Ming Yang freshwater fishing reel is a cat fisherman’s favorite and enjoys a great reputation as a low cost, high quality long cast reel. This product line is sold via its own e-commerce website and



StingRay still operates as an internet retailer, with its popular e-commerce website and virtual storefronts on eBay, Amazon and Sears. Visit us often and find out why our company enjoys great customer loyalty.

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