Lynski Fishing Charters
South Africa
A/C No.252901959 Standard Bank Umhlanga Ridge
Широта: -29.7323985566039931.052858602516153
Долгота: 31.052858602516153
Tom Bradfield
+27 82 44 5 66 00
+ 27 (0)31- 5664465
Язык общения
English, Afrikaans
Tom and LYN(ski) Bradfield have been closely connected to fishing off the KwaZulu Natal coast for some 40 years. While a schoolteacher Tom ran Ski Boats to supplement his income. Eventually he was running a 28ft commercial skiboat from the Mtunzini river mouth in Zululand.
SAM, our ZULU deckhand, has been with us since he was a teenager. Team LYNSKI has an awesome reputation for pulling in the fish. We have a winning combination!!.
Our new boats “LYNSKI” and “” Skippered by TOM BRADFIELD and the experienced and well known WADE BRONKHORST will be a difficult team to beat. Since Lynski Charters, one of South Africa’s most famous game and reef fishing Charterers was born 22 years ago, our popularity as the preferred fishing charter has been attributed to giving the customer what he wants, not, what we think he should have.
Safety is of prime importance, when you’re 30 miles off shore, we want you to relax and enjoy the day knowing that your are well look after by a safety conscious and a very experienced crew.
Tom and Wade personally skipper all the charters and are very well assisted by Deckhands Gideon , Sam and Russell. Our excellent reputation and successful results are due to the many hours of happy angling by crew and clients. ASK ANY LOCAL FISHERMAN. “LYNSKI” and “”, registered with the Dept. of Transport, are fully equipped and rigged to suit the most serious of fishermen. Latest communication system, fish finders, GPS and Radios. Well equipped and maintained Out Riggers, Rods, Bait, Live Bait as well.
Our Marlin reels are all Penn Internationals. The fully walk-around deck is especially suited to big game fishing.
We are proud to be sponsored by PULSATOR LURES owned by RYAN WILLIAMSON son of the legendary lure manufacturer John Williamson. All our equipment is “top of the range” and well maintained.
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