Bull's Inn Fishing Lodge


South Africa

Western Cape

Unnamed Road


Широта: -32.097517

Долгота: 29.061038



087 808 2836

072 880 7579

+27 (0) 47 576 9320

Язык общения

English, Afrikaans




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Bull's Inn Fishing Lodge



Deep within the Eastern Cape Coastal Homeland, nestled in the foothills of what was formally known as the Transkei Wild Coast, lies a small coastal village called Mpame. Here you find Bull's Inn Fishing Lodge a dot on the map, but big on fishing. Based on a home from home atmosphere, which makes for a unique expereance and a far cry from your day to day city life. This seperates it from the rest.  Accompanied by remote and tranqual rural setting where live stock and an ancient people live. 



The access roads are your typical 'African' roads and when travelled makes for an experience of its own. A 4 x 4 is suggested, although standard vechiles have made the trip!!  The nearest 'shopping mall' is in Umtata which is  +/- 120 km away....



So pack up your bags and gear up for an unforgettable experience...

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