Dwarsberg Trout Hideaway


South Africa

Western Cape

P.O. Box 64, Dwarsberg, Rawsonville, 6845


Широта: -33.787950

Долгота: 19.329867



023 349 1919

082 840 8376

086 579 1825

Язык общения

English, Afrikaans




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The Holsloot River flows through the picturesque Stettynskloof valley and it is cupped by mountains which provide a breathtaking backdrop to one of the most highly regarded dry fly venues in the country. Its clarity and free rising rainbow trout create memories that endure long after you have left for home.



The dam at the head of the valley, that supplies the nearby town of Worcester with its water, creates a tailwater fishery, ensuring a constant supply of cool water in the Cape’s hot, dry summers when other rivers in the area become too warm for trout fishing.



Dwarsberg, situated in the heart of the region’s wine country, offers tranquility in spectacular surroundings. The Holsloot River rewards delicacy in approach, tackle and tactics – the most poetic form of fly fishing.

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