Nooitgedacht Trout Lodge


South Africa


P.O. Box 1133 Lydenburg 1120


Широта: -25.100957

Долгота: 30.460172



27 (013) 235 3185

27 (013) 235 1682

27 (013) 235 2838

Язык общения

English, Afrikaans



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Retreat into the Mainstream 


Only three hours east of Johannesburg lies the province of the rising sun, Mpumalanga and Nooitgedacht Trout Lodge - a place for refuelling, reviving, revitalising the soul. This luxury lodge nestles on a nature reserve in the heart of South Africa’s most captivating natural wilderness. A romantic getaway... a fly fishing paradise... an invigorating haven for a corporate brainstorm or strategy meeting... Nooitgedacht. 


The Lodge offers some of the finest trout water in the country. Whether fishing the Spekboom River or in either of the three lakes, these waters are well stocked with trout to challenge the most astute Rainbow warrior and beginner alike. And there’s more... soaring eagles and Cape Vultures, a wealth of indigenous flora and prolific bird life, a store of game, ranging from leopard to kudu to otters and the reclusive brown hyena. So, if you’re fishing for ideas, if you’re chasing rainbows of your own, here’s a new angle, retreat into the mainstream at Nooitgedacht Trout Lodge.

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