Mbotyi River Lodge


South Africa

Eastern Cape

Mbotyi Village, District of Lusikisiki, Lusikisiki


Широта: -31.465129

Долгота: 29.732364



+27 (0)82 674 1064

+27 (0)39 253 7200

+27 (0)39 253 7202

Язык общения

English, Afrikaans




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Mbotyi On The Wild Coast…


A warm welcome awaits at Mbotyi River Lodge, a 3 star rated family hotel and holiday resort on the stunning Wild Coast in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Pondoland’s best kept secret is situated at the mouth of the tidal Mbotyi River nestled between the rolling hills, lush tropical forest and the warm Indian Ocean.



This unique Wild Coast hotel is the perfect place for a peaceful, tranquil holiday or for the more adventurous traveller wanting to experience the many amazing natural treasures like waterfalls and forests this coast has to offer.



Mbotyi is fortunate to have to have so many different biozones. We have indigenous forest, the Ntsubane, which is one of the largest in our country. There are large tree plantations as well as the enormous Magwa tea plantation. There are a number of rivers in the area and also the very large lagoon estuary of the Mbotyi River. We thus play host to a very large variety of birds and butterflies.



Lately the bird life on the lagoon has been outstanding; two great white pelicans have arrived to nest on the lagoon, we hope they will remain with us at least for a while. They share the water with Mallard ducks, spurwing and Egyptian geese, cormorants, kingfishers so many kinds, fish eagles, all fishing every morning.

Guided walks are from the lodge are very popular and picnic baskets can be supplied for birders wanting to spend time in the forest.

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