Fishing Bear Charters
United States
P.O. Box 56 Tenakee Springs, AK 99841
Широта: 57.780829
Долгота: -135.218862
Tuck Harry
(907) 736-2350
Язык общения
Tenakee Springs on Chichagof Island in Southeast Alaska.
My name is Tuck Harry and I have been doing what I love for over 30 years now! This beautiful emerald island, located between Juneau and Sitka, Alaska, is the home of Fishing Bear Charters.
There are about 750,000 salmon that migrate to spawn in the rivers of our inlet. Coho, chum and pink salmon are abundant in the fourteen rivers flowing into Tenakee inlet and may be taken in fresh or salt water. The largest species of salmon, the chinook, feed and may be landed in salt water areas near Tenakee Springs.
Halibut are common and can be caught during the entire summer season.
Steelhead migrate into local streams during the early summer and our guide will be available to assist flyfishers in their quest.
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