


Östergötland Län

Omberg, 599 93 Ödeshög


Широта: 58.314879

Долгота: 14.667740



Язык общения

Svenska, English




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Are you looking for excellent, exclusive fishing, top-class lodgings and a culinary experience that surpasses the ordinary? Then you’ve come to the right place! Here at Höje Hunting and Experiences we offer fishing in private waters locate in and near Lake Tåkern, on of the absolutely top birding waters in Europe. The accommodations are in the same class as the fishing, whether you choose self-catering near the shore or full board at the Höje Jägmästaregård (forest officer residence). Nor should you under any circumstances miss the culinary experience a stay with us offers, based on local raw materials prepared from the start.


Kontakta oss gärna för mer information eller bokningsförfrågan!

Höje Jakt & Upplevelser
599 93 Ödeshög
Telefon: 0144-33085 Mobil: 0702290993
E-mail: info@hoje.se

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