Manndalen sjøbuer
Manndalen Sjøbuer BA, 9144 Samuelsberg
Широта: 69.544582
Долгота: 20.544761
+ 47 41 60 47 38
Язык общения
English, Norwegian
About Manndalen Sjøbuer
Manndalen Sea Cabins comprises 8 extremely beautiful fishing huts, which lie by Lyngenfjord in North Troms.
Manndalen is a pleasant little village in the Municipality of Kåfjord with approx. 900 inhabitants. The village is situated 160 kilometer from Tromsø, which is equivalent to approx. a 2-hour bus ride. We arrange transfers for all our guests to/from Tromsø Airport.
Sea cabins
Each cabin is approx. 35 square metres and accommodates four people. The cabins are equipped with a kitchen comprising of a refridgerator, cooker and microwave, lounge, attic, TV, wireless internet, sauna and shower/WC. Thus, as a guest, there are opportunities for self-catering at the sea cabins. We offer towels and made beds to all our guests for NOK 95 per person.
Manndalen Sea Cabins has 8 boats of the type 'Silver Viking' 17.5 ft with 40 Hp Yamaha and a permanently installed echo sounder. All the boats are moored at our floating dock, which is in close proximity to all sea cabins. Life jackets are included in the hire contract.
Opportunities for sea fishing
Our visitors have more protection from extreme conditions due to our location. This means there are more opportunities for fishing in the fjord. Please contact us for further details on fishing opportunities.
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