John Gendall Fly Fishing


New Zealand



Широта: -41.803684

Долгота: 172.851075


+64 3 548 7892

027 247 0319

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North Island fly fishing

If you're also looking for a fishing trip to remember in the North Island, John recommends Tongariro Fly Fishing.About your  guide


One way of landing a good hard fighting salmon!

John Gendall's passion for fishing extends more than 35 years. He has been guiding for 17 yrs in NZ and around the world from Russia to the Caribbean, the USA and through the South Pacific. He has been featured on several television fishing shows and in the year 2000 won the Jackson Hole One Fly professional division.

He now guides from October to May for wild brown trout in the South Island where he has more than 10 years of experience; while during the New Zealand winter, he heads to Wyoming, USA where he guides for Westbank Anglers.

John describes himself as light hearted, enthusiastic Kiwi (New Zealander) who loves fishing and enjoys spinning a few yarns. He caters for all levels of fitness and fishing ability, ensuring your comfort and confidence


Skills and qualifications

John's skills and qualifications include:

  • More recently won Top Wyoming guide in 2011 One Fly competition
  • A degree in parks recreation and tourism management
  • A boats master license
  • Trained in first aid and CPR
  • Member of the New Zealand Professional Fishing Guides Association (the NZPFGA)


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