A&G Outfitters


United States


542 Boulevard Ave, Dickson City, PA 18519


Latitude: 41.454018

Longitude: -75.624071




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Northeastern Pennsylvania, whose waters are steeped in American angling history, boasts some of the best fly fishing for trout in the world.  Among its prime trout waters is the Lackawanna River, which was a heavily polluted urban waterway for many decades during the region's coal-mining heyday. Today, thanks to the efforts of local conservationists and fly fishermen, a five-mile stretch of the Lackawanna is a designated Trophy Trout fishery teeming with wild brown trout.

A&G Turns 10!


This past May we celebrated our 10th year as your, northeast Pennsylvania, fly shop. We owe it all to a dedicated and loyal customer base, and the love and support of our friends and family. We'd like to thank everyone who makes it possible for us to do what we love everyday of our lives. It's been a wonderful ten years! Let's hope the next ten are filled with even more fish and good friends!

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