Riddles Lodge


United States


1535 Angler Dr Kenai, AK 99611


Latitude: 60.537435

Longitude: -151.150369


(907) 283-5853

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Fishing on Alaska's Kenai and Kasilof Rivers

We will take you on an adventure-filled fishing trip on the Kenai or Kasilof rivers with licensed, experienced guides in power or drift boats right from our riverside dock. With four species of wild salmon and two runs of each, the famous Kenai River is prime from May through September. July, August and September are also great for Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden.

We offer guided remote fly-out trips to fish an endless variety of remote lakes, streams and rivers for all species found throughout Alaska. Bear viewing trips are also available. If you prefer a salt water fishing experience, we can take you to Cook Inlet. Our 28-32 foot cabin boats, which fish four to six anglers in comfort, are perfect for fishermen who want to catch monster halibut and/or troll for king salmon. The record Halibut for Cook Inlet is 466 lbs.

You may choose an all day Halibut trip or a combo King Salmon/Halibut trip when season allows. When it is time for you to go home, we have processing, freezer storage and shipping boxes available so that you can transport your catch.


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