Life of Riley Resort


United States


Box 1147, Cook, MN 55723


Latitude: 47.955756

Longitude: -92.537942




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Thanks for your interest in Minnesota's most beautiful lake - Lake Vermilion!

Life of Riley Resort is the only resort on Norwegian Bay - a super fishing area and one guaranteed to give you that wilderness sensation of being in God's Country.

Our resort has a "down-home" atmosphere - informal and friendly - with nothing fancy or posh. We specialize in good fishing, good food and good times. Service here is more than a slogan. Our goal is to make YOUR stay the best vacation ever.

Most folks come to Life of Riley Resort to go FISHING. From the first cool days of the fishing season thru the warm summer days on the lake to the colorful fall season, fish are always on the bite. We even have a late season Fishing Tournament with special rates just to finish off our season. Check out the variety of fish available in Lake Vermilion and some tips on how to get into your share of them.

Ahhh, Lake Vermilion! With it's hundreds of miles of shoreline and 365 islands, it's a fisherman's paradise. When one specie of fish is off-the-bite,  another specie is on-the-bite!

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