Grizzly Skins of Alaska, Inc


United States


P.O.Box 876110 Wasilla


Latitude: 58.694689

Longitude: -156.690890






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Grizzly Skins of Alaska, Inc is a family owned business that caters to discriminating and adventurous travelers wishing to experience the remoteness and beauty of the true Alaskan wilderness.  We have been in business since 1983 and operate from our private 40 acre homestead, situated within a federally designated wilderness in the heart ofBecharof National Wildlife Refuge.  We are located 300 miles southwest of Anchorage and the nearest US highway system. Our closest human neighbors are 65 air miles away in the small village of King Salmon. All of our supplies, from fuel to toilet paper, have to be flown in by small aircraft.



Phil Shoemaker, his wife Rochelle “Rocky” Harrison and their son and daughter, Taj and  Tia, are your hosts. Phil is a licensed Alaskan Master guide with a degree in Wildlife  management. He is a commercial pilot and flight instructor and spent the majority of his 13,000

hours “bush” flying in Alaska.


Rocky is an avid outdoors person and naturalist with a degree in biology. She also is a  pilot as well as state licensed fishing and hunting guide and operates as general camp manager   and chef.


Taj and Tia are graduates from the Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks. Taj has a degree in   Natural Resources Management and Tia in  Therapeutic   Recreation. Both are accomplished   pilots and experienced hunting and fishing guides. Having grown up in the area they are highly   knowledgeable of it’s natural history, game, weather and terrain.

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