Izembek Lodge
United States
PO Box 1462,Kodiak
Latitude: 57.790009
Longitude: -152.407232
+1 907-486-5582
Communication language
Hunting and fishing are the main attractions for the Cold Bay area. Waterfowl season is from September 1 through December 16. However, the majority of Canada geese, black brant, and puddle ducks depart Izembek Lagoon for their southern migration in early November. Daily bag limits are liberal and include: six Canada geese, two black brant, eight puddle ducks, and 15 sea ducks. Ptarmigan hunting season begins August 10 through April with a daily bag limit of 20 birds. Silver salmon bag limits are 5 per day and Arctic Char bag limits are 10 per day.
Other hunting trips and sightseeing trips are available. Brown bears, caribou, moose, wolves, fox, eagles, seals, and other wildlife inhabit this area and occasionally offer superb photographic opportunities. Cold Bay has a reputation for providing world class goose and brant hunting, upland ptarmigan hunting, and salmon fishing, all of which can be accomplished in the same day! Arctic Char fishing occurs in nearby streams and rivers.
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