Ahiu Hawaii


United States


291 Wainaku St, Hilo


Latitude: 19.734193

Longitude: -155.093101




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In Hawaii we have so many outdoor activities and at 'Ahiu Hawaii we provide practically everything that our guest could participate in.  One of the activities is shore fishing! If you’re not a person that likes to go on a boat, the next best thing is to fish from the shore.


       Come and join our experienced guides as they teach you the ancient and modern ways of fishing in the Hawaiian Islands.  Then, experience the joy and excitement for yourself.  We bet that fishing here on the Big Island is something you will never forget the variety of fish that you will land and the many scenic views you will see.  We just hope that you wouldn't pass this opportunity up, because we are the only touringcompany offering this activity.  So what are you waiting for? Let’s get your gear and go! 


The temperature is about 50 degrees, skies are clear with a few picturesque clouds above our heads. The sun is peeking over the horizon of the worlds longest mountain - Mauna Loa. Suddenly you hear a variety of upland game birds welcoming the morning sun. Then, in the back ground, sheep crying all around us as they get ready to migrate. We'll slowly make our way one step at a time to look for a trophy Black Hawaiian Ram. There it is! Your guide whispers trying to control his excitement. Cautiously both of us make our way as we pursue a trophy of a lifetime. Come and experience this wonderful and heart pounding experience as one of our experienced guides take you on a journey you'll never forget!

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