Wild Wing Lodge and Kennel


United States


2680 Longbranch Rd. P.O. Box 48 Sturgis


Latitude: 37.466728

Longitude: -87.990094



(810) 813-1608

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Wild Wing Lodge and Kennel is a special place, that in it’s inception, was designed to slow things down a bit. The important things here are the impeccable dog work and covey flushes that are both hard and fast. The only concern becomes…can your shot catch up to the elusive quail?   And if not, there will always be another covey to find.


Our goal at Wild Wing is to replicate the best wild bird hunt that our guests have ever had (or heard of). That said, we are hunting on South Dakota-like big property right in beautiful Kentucky........12,000+ acres, which means the birds don't get pressured. Consequently, the quail at Wild Wing Lodge fly incredibly wild, hard and fast (and are in big coveys, many number 20+ some over 100 birds). We have all experienced a put and take hunt. We offer something different at Wild Wing. Wild Wing is a special world reserved for you. A rewarding world of open fields, eager dogs at the point, guns at the ready, and startling  whir of a covey rise!


New at Wild Wing.... the Wild Wing Lodge North! We will be hunting grouse and woodcock in the northwestern part of Michigan's upper peninsula in the fall. While we will still be hunting quail in Kentucky, this expansion allows us to have greater wing shooting versatility for our guests. Hunt the north woods for the king of the uplands, while being treated like a king in our luxury accommodations! 

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