Ecuagringo Marlin & Big Game Fishing Outfitters


United States


23427 DRAYTON DR BOCA RATON, FL 33433-7273


Latitude: 26.329898

Longitude: -80.134070



561 563 4165

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ECUAGRINGO has fished, hunted and travelled all over South America. We especially love the Pacific waters of South America and their attraction of big game fish. Changing currents such as the Humbolt, Equatorial, Panama and the unpredictable El Niño bring rains, droughts, wind and sunshine to the most geographically diverse continent in the world.



In this menu you will find the countries and destinations that we have chosen to operate in and offer you. We believe that every destination here has seasons that are conducive to some of the best big game fishing in the world. Some of the biggest marlin in the world were caught in these waters including Alfred Glassel’s 1560 lb black marlin from Cabo Blanco, Peru.


If you are looking to target blue marlin, black marlin, striped marlin, swordfish or big eye tuna then one of these destinations is a must.


In order to offer a particular destination we take into account safety, logistics and costs in order to be able offer something feasible to you our travelling angler. We try very hard to offer you fishing memories to last a lifetime. We don’t just sell fishing charters, we strive to bring you fishing happiness and an experience you will not forget.

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