Spirit of the Kenai Alaska Fishing Adventures


United States


PO Box 586 Soldotna, AK 99669


Latitude: 60.487895

Longitude: -151.054636



(907) 262-5956

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Welcome to Alaska’s famous Kenai River and the home of Spirit of the Kenai Fishing Adventures where we will guide you to experience the rich bounty of its fishing, majestic mountains.  The wildlife viewing here draws anglers from all over the world to Alaska’s famous Kenai River. Alaska’s Kenai River is an incredible fishery that produces trophy-sized fish every year in its glacial fed, turquoise waters. On our Fishing Charters you will have the opportunity to fish for the largest strain of King Salmon in the world. Though a small number of them have been caught elsewhere, only the Kenai River has consistently produced these huge, monster Kings. The world record King Salmon weighing in at 97 lbs/4 oz was caught on the Kenai River.


Many anglers come from all over the world to experience the Kenai River’s outstanding Red Salmon and Silver Salmon fishing. Both of these fish put on an aerial display when hooked and are not only prized for their fighting abilities, but also for their excellent table fare along with the King Salmon. Pink Salmon run in large numbers and are always willing to strike lures. It is not uncommon to hook one every cast. They make good runs and put up a tremendous fight with lighter gear. The Kenai River is also legendary for its trophy-sized Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden Char which are among the biggest not only in Alaska, but North America. As you can see fishing opportunities abound and so do chances to watch Alaska’s wildlife and view the splendid Kenai Mountain range. So make sure you bring your camera because I will take the time to set you up to capture a great memory!  Sign up for one of our fishing charters today!


Mike Romatz, Guide & Owner

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